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DIY Body Scrub

See what is already in your cupboards which you can use for our DIY Scrub or add them to your next shopping list 
🍚Caster Sugar
🧂Rock Salt
🥥Coconut or Olive Oil
You will also need a jar (try re-purposing an old jam jar)
🍃Essential oils (some great oils are Lavender, Peppermint, Orange,
Lemon is really good for combating in-growning hairs)
This body scrub is perfect for hands, feet and the body (not to be used on the face).
2 tablespoons of Caster Sugar
2 tablespoons of Rock Salt
1 tablespoon of Olive/Coconut Oil
10 drops of Essential Oil
Mix all the ingredients up and pop into a jar, this recipe can be multiplied to make a larger quantity.
Someone in this house forgot to buy the salt  but never worry for anyone else who forgot too, you use 4 tablespoons of Caster Sugar instead. Always use a clean spatula/spoon to take out the scrub. Do not put wet hands in the jar, this will contaminate your product.
Apply the scrub to damp skin and rub in a circular motion, not only will the grains remove dead skin but the motion will increase circulation which encourages cell regeneration.